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illustration of a IBCLC supporting a parent and child

What is an IBCLC? 

You’ll see us use the acronym IBCLC a lot — but what does it mean? IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. The highest...

A hand slightly covered with a sweater sleeve is seen writing with a blue pen on a paper which sits on a desk.

The IBCLC recertification process

For International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs), education is ongoing. After passing their initial IBCLC examination, IBCLC recert...

A person uses their mobile phone while their baby sleeps in a swaddle

10 common breastfeeding questions

Expert answers to your pressing breastfeeding questions Breastfeeding is a skill that must be learned by both parents and babies — and there should...


What are the 3 types of breast milk?

While it’s common to think breast milk is simply breast milk, it’s actually more complicated than that! It evolves as your body tailors it to your ...