January 26, 2025

Breastfeeding vs pumping: Find out what’s right for you

Clinically reviewed by: Demi Lucas, IBCLC

Deciding how to feed your baby — whether through breastfeeding, pumping, or a combination of both — is deeply personal, and no one-size-fits-all answer exists. The choice is about what works best for you, your baby, and your lifestyle; not about meeting anyone else’s expectations. Too often, parents we serve at the Lactation Network feel overwhelmed by conflicting advice, unrealistic standards, or misinformation surrounding feeding choices. In short, it never was breastfeeding versus pumping. It’s whatever you and your baby need.

But International Board Certified Lactation Consultants in The Lactation Network exists to cut through the noise with expert, clinical guidance and inclusive, unbiased support. Here, we’ll dive into the differences between breastfeeding vs pumping, debunk common myths, and empower you to make the best decision for your feeding journey. Because ultimately, your feeding choice should be about what makes you feel confident, connected, and capable — not about anyone else’s opinion.

Breastfeeding vs pumping: What’s the difference?

Breastfeeding and breast pumping are two ways to feed your baby breast milk, but they differ in how that milk is delivered. Breastfeeding involves your baby latching directly onto your breast (or sometimes onto a device on the breast such as a nipple shield) to feed.

Breast pumping, on the other hand, is when you use a manual or electric pump to express milk, which is then stored and fed to your baby via a bottle. Pumping offers flexibility, especially for working parents or for those who want partners to share in feeding with breastmilk specifically.

Both methods are incredible acts of care and nourishment, and they can be used together or independently depending on what works best for you and your baby. It’s not about choosing the “right” way but finding what feels right for your family and makes your feeding routine sustainable so that you can meet your breastfeeding goals.

Dispelling myths about breastfeeding vs pumping 

Feeding your baby is one of the most personal decisions you’ll make, yet it’s often surrounded by myths that can make the journey feel overwhelming. Let’s clear up some of the most common misconceptions about breastfeeding and pumping. With accurate information, you’ll be empowered to choose what works best for your family, with confidence and peace of mind.

  • Myth 1: If you’re pumping, you’re not breastfeeding
    Let’s be clear — if you’re pumping breast milk and feeding it to your baby, you are breastfeeding. Pumping is simply another way to provide your baby with the nutrition and antibodies found in breast milk. Whether it’s through direct latch or a bottle, you’re nourishing your child and fostering connection.
  • Myth 2: Pumping is easier and doesn’t require the same self-care if exclusively breastfeeding
    Pumping may not involve a baby directly at the breast, but it’s still a demanding process. Cleaning pump parts, managing milk storage, and scheduling sessions can take as much time and energy as traditional breastfeeding. Parents who pump need to pay the same attention to nipple care hydration, nutrition, and rest as those who breastfeed directly. Your well-being matters, no matter the method!
  • Myth 3: You have to pick one method
    There’s no rulebook that says you must exclusively breastfeed or pump — many parents do both, and it’s perfectly okay. What works for one family may not work for another. Preparing for either or both methods during pregnancy with the guidance of an IBCLC can set you up for success. Remember, your feeding journey is unique, and support is the key.
  • Myth 4: Breastfeeding is free, and pumping is expensive
    While pumping does come with upfront costs for equipment, breastfeeding isn’t completely cost-free. From lactation consultant visits to nursing pads, time and resources are required for both methods. No matter your approach, you deserve respect, support, and evidence-based guidance for your feeding journey. Busting these myths helps create a more informed and inclusive space for all parents.
Schedule a visit with an expert lactation consultant

Support and seasons in your feeding journey

Whether you choose to breastfeed, pump, or do a combination of both — one thing is clear: Support makes all the difference. Every path is valid, and each comes with unique challenges and opportunities for connection.

  • Partner and community support
    Pumping often allows partners to take a more active role in feeding the baby, which can be a beautiful way to share the load and strengthen bonds within your family. Whether it’s warming a bottle of pumped milk at 2 a.m. or handling pump cleaning duty, partners can help ease the burden and provide the encouragement parents need to keep going.

    Community support — be it family, friends, and professionals like an IBCLC — is also important, as it helps parents feel empowered no matter their choice.
  • Employer and workplace considerations
    For working parents who choose to pump, employer support isn’t just helpful — it’s essential. Access to a clean, private space for pumping and flexibility in scheduling milk expression breaks are non-negotiable rights. Advocacy and awareness are improving workplace conditions but knowing your rights and having conversations with your employer can pave the way for a more supportive environment.

    It’s important to recognize that your feeding journey evolves and isn’t a static one. There might be times when direct breastfeeding works best, seasons when pumping takes center stage, and moments when both methods overlap. It’s absolutely ok (and strongly encouraged!) to adapt to what works for your baby, your body, and your circumstances at any given time.

Get support and confidence for your feeding journey

Ultimately, feeding your baby isn’t about adhering to a single “ideal” method. It’s about making informed decisions that align with your family’s needs and values. You’re doing an incredible job, no matter what path you take, and you deserve to feel celebrated and supported every step of the way. Connect with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant at The Lactation Network to help guide you through your breastfeeding journey.

Get support for your breastfeeding journey from an IBCLC

We’re here for you, every step of the way. We work with your insurance to provide in-home, in-office, or telehealth visits with an IBCLC.