How to master breast pump flange fit
Finding the right fit — specifically, breast pump flange fit — can be key to comfortable and efficient pumping experiences throughout the breastfeeding journey. Lactating parents who use breast pump flanges that are too small or too large can experience soreness, irritation, and inefficient milk removal and even clogged milk ducts. However, finding the correct flange with the help of a lactation consultant or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) can mean more comfort when pumping and higher breast milk yield.
First things first — what is a flange or breast shield?
Flanges or breast shields are the cone-shaped plastic or silicone pieces of a breast pump worn over your nipples to create a gentle vacuum for breast milk extraction. To ensure the right breast pump flange fit, your International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) may measure the diameter of the flange to determine breast shield sizing or ask you questions about any discomfort while pumping.
How can you tell if your flange is too small?
Flanges that are too small may cause excess friction, pinching, or squeezing as the nipple is pulled against it. As a result, your nipple or areola could become discolored and you could experience lower pumped volume, plugged ducts, and damaged, sore nipples.
And how can you tell if your flange size is too big?
If your flanges are too large, your areola will be pulled into your pump’s breast flange tunnel, which can also cause discomfort. It’s also possible that your nipple won’t receive enough appropriate stimulation, which could cause lower pumped volume and sore nipples.
So how should a breast pump flange fit?
A flange that’s the correct size will allow your nipple to fit centered in the flange’s narrow tunnel, without any uncomfortable rubbing against the side of the tunnel walls. Other signs that you have the correct flange fit include: Your areola does not get sucked up into the tunnel of the breast pump; after pumping, there is no remaining breast milk in areas of your breast (which could indicate uneven extraction); and you don’t experience nipple pain or discoloration.
Remember — nipple size can evolve throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period, so it’s a good idea to consult with your IBCLC to determine the best flange size for your needs depending on when you are beginning to pump.
Get support from your International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
Your IBCLC is the expert when it comes to comfortable, effective flanges and breast shield sizing. Ask your IBCLC to confirm that your breast pump is functioning correctly and assist you with determining the correct size breast pump flange fit for you. Whether you’re a new parent or breastfeeding a subsequent child, breast pump flange fit can require additional consideration — but it’s one of the most essential components to pumping successfully and sustainably. Ask your IBCLC for expert breast pumping tips to enhance your experience and efficiency. Remember, you deserve to be comfortable, and the more relaxed you feel while pumping, the better for you and your family!
We’re here for you, every step of the way. We work with your insurance to provide in-home, in-office, or telehealth visits with an IBCLC.