An IBCLC points to items on a tablet while seated on a sofa next to a mom and her infant during a home visits
Author: TLN

Breastfeeding is a team sport

What makes an athlete? Hard work. Dedication. Physical stamina. And teamwork.

That’s why we think of breastfeeding parents as gold-medal athletes. Yes, really.

Living life in 4-hour increments. Enlisting the support of performance-enhancing tools. (Water bottle? Check. Nipple balm? Check.) Investing in equipment to garner peak output from postpartum bodies, drained of milk, sweat, and sometimes, tears. All of this in service to one of the most significant endeavors imaginable: Sustaining life.

Somewhere along the way, people forgot that the postpartum burden is too heavy to carry alone — but at The Lactation Network, we see you.

As you build your pre- and post-birth care team, think of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) as a breastfeeding expert who can coach you. IBCLCs offer in-person, insurance-covered care, and they’ll be in your corner and at your side throughout your breastfeeding journey.

Enlisting your expert breastfeeding consultant

IBCLCs are the highestcredentialed lactation consultants in the world. That’s because all IBCLCs are required to: 

  • log hundreds of hours of hands-on training, 
  • complete up to five years in a certification program, 
  • pass a rigorous certification process with a high global standard, and 
  • maintain that certification with continued education and training at least every five years. 

IBCLCs are the only lactation consultants who are qualified to offer clinical lactation care and offer breastfeeding guidance like effective breastfeeding positions, scheduling, and helping parents overcome routine and complex challenges: from breast pain to a baby’s oral anatomy issues. This is the support parents deserve on their postpartum care teams.


93% of parents who had a lactation consultation
before their baby was born said it contributed to their success in breastfeeding.


At The Lactation Network, we know that breastfeeding parents are the team captain of their postpartum lives and the MVP of their little one’s world. Only the gold standard in lactation care will do.

Get access to insurance-covered breastfeeding support from the highest-credentialed clinicians in lactation care (often from the comfort of your own home).

Discover that IBCLC magic for yourself

We’re here for you, every step of the way. We work with your insurance to provide in-home, in-office, or telehealth visits with an IBCLC.

An IBCLC guides an expectant mother during a consultation