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A family gathers and smiles as they look down upon a baby held in their midst by a matriarchal figure.

Why every new parent needs a village

It’s more than okay to ask for help. Here’s how to lean on your village of support, and why it matters. It’s often said that it takes a village (re...

Illustration of a person holding swollen breasts

What mastitis is, and how to treat it

If you’ve never had the condition, it’s likely that you’ve never heard the term “mastitis” before — but once you’ve experienced it, it’s pretty unf...

Infant - Diaper

Mastering the Holidays While Lactating

Navigate the festivities and bring sanity to the season The holidays can be hectic—especially with a new little one in tow. But we have a secret we...

Airplane - Air travel

Lactation and Air Travel

Answers to the most frequently-asked questions about bringing breast milk (and baby) on board We’re approaching holiday travel season, so if you’ve...

A parent who underwent a C-section smiles as they glance up at their recently delivered child.

Hospital lactation care

Breastfeeding doesn’t always come easily to new mothers, but we believe that knowledge is empowering. Give yourself a leg up by understanding your ...

illustration of a IBCLC supporting a parent and child

What is an IBCLC? 

You’ll see us use the acronym IBCLC a lot — but what does it mean? IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. The highest...