Milk - Breastfeeding
Author: TLN

5 steps to prenatal preparation for breastfeeding

From the moment we find out we’re pregnant, we start to prepare… for everything. But one thing we often neglect — which happens to be one of the most important things to consider after a baby is born — is breastfeeding! How you plan to feed you new bundle of joy is a biggie, and can be pretty daunting. That’s why we’ve enlisted our resident International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and mother of five to help you with your prenatal breastfeeding preparation. Take it away, Katie McGee, RN, IBCLC!

Hello parents, and moms-to-be! With five kids (including twins), my life is full. I’m so happy to be able to contribute during such a precious time in your lives. Let’s get started!

Labor. We start thinking about it when the test is positive and don’t stop until the baby is in our arms. It is so important to prepare mentally and physically for labor. Yet, ready or not, labor comes and goes (hopefully) in a matter of hours. But what about breastfeeding? Shouldn’t there be preparation for something you may plan to do every couple of hours (or more) every day for a year or longer? Breastfeeding immediately becomes a major concern after the baby arrives, but it may be only a brief thought before your baby comes. There are several things you can do now to aid in a successful breastfeeding (and or pumping) experience once your newborn arrives.

1. Read about breastfeeding while you are pregnant.

When you do this, you’ll gain a firm understanding of the many normal changes you’ll experience throughout your lactation journey. Breastfeeding on day one during the colostrum phase with tiny volumes is very different from breastfeeding on day 10 when you’ll likely have ounces of milk at each feeding. On day one and day 10 you’ll likely need much fussing with positioning and support for both you and the baby. Neither of these are like nursing a 6 or 8 month old who barely requires you to sit down or unbutton your shirt before nursing.

When you are registering, don’t forget to add a really helpful breastfeeding book to your wish lists. You’ll enjoy The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (LLL manual) or The Breastfeeding Book (Sears). Take it from me, you’ll appreciate a great reference much more than another swaddler or wipe warmer.

Check out the wealth of information on La Leche League website and the very popular

2. Connect with other breastfeeding mothers in your area

Breastfeeding is much more than a way of feeding your baby. You will have questions and concerns and other breastfeeding mothers will likely become your favorite resource for both information and reassurance.

La Leche League suggests that expectant mothers attend a series of 4 monthly meetings prior to delivery. This is great, because you’ll be able to think through many common concerns of new mothers before you’ll even deliver. You’ll be made to feel welcome. You can find a meeting location in your area (BONUS: There is no charge!)

3. Gather supplies

To make it simple (because what pregnant woman doesn’t need a lil’ simplicity in her life?), we’ve put together this list of items you can use to prepare for breastfeeding.

4. Make some calls

Call your delivering hospital to inquire about lactation services. The flat screen and room service that wooed you on your tour won’t matter at all if you have no help with a 2-day-old who is struggling to latch on and breastfeed. Will you find out on day one you are competing with 30 other newly delivered mothers for an assessment by one part time IBCLC? Will you deliver on a Friday only to find out lactation staff is off on weekends?

Call your delivering hospital and speak to the lactation department to find out the number and credentials of the lactation team and how to access them once you arrive. Proactively seek out a home visit in the first two weeks while lactation is still open to intervention and not yet fully established. Timing matters. Even a single day of inadequate stimulation and draining of the breasts may negatively impact the volume of milk you are able to provide long term.

Explore pump options through The Lactation Network’s marketplace partners, or contact the TLN team. We can connect you with an IBCLC who can help you find a pump that works for you.

Call any friends and family members who successfully nursed or pumped. Ask them what made a positive difference and just listen to their personal stories.

5. Schedule a prenatal, at-home, insurance-covered lactation consultation with an IBCLC

This is crucial!

As a new parent, you can expect an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, or IBCLC, to assist you with all your lactation needs, from helping you design a workday pumping schedule and storage plan to finding the best breastfeeding position for you. IBCLCs may work in a variety of settings, providing care in home, hospitals, birth centers, and via virtual visits.

IBCLCs can also assist you with common lactation challenges, like low milk supply, breastfeeding pain, and conditions like mastitis and plugged ducts. If your baby is struggling to latch or isn’t gaining weight properly, your IBCLC can determine how to improve feeding sessions, fine tune feeding plans for babies who are premature, and even provide a referral to another healthcare professional if your condition needs further attention.

“A lactation consultant is invaluable,” says Caitlin McNeily, TLN’s VP of Consultant Relations. “They’re basically your breastfeeding fairy godmother, personal cheerleader, and new-parent support team all in one.”

When to meet with an IBCLC: Again, timing matters! The sooner you get help the better. The delivery of the placenta starts a sort of “sand through the hour glass” for lactation establishment. Around the 2-week mark, the milk supply is fairly well established and it becomes exponentially more difficult to increase milk supply.

Need some help setting a timeline? Your IBCLC can help. Request a consultation now; prenatal consults are a proven predictor of breastfeeding success later on.

Above all else, I hope you’ll be excited to breastfeed and really look forward to the hours you’ll spend with your baby in your arms nursing. Yes, just like much of motherhood, it can be challenging, but it is also wonderful. Best wishes to you!

Katie McGee, RN, IBCLC

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We’re here for you, every step of the way. We work with your insurance to provide in-home, in-office, or telehealth visits with an IBCLC.