How do I make my lactation practice more successful?
Whether you’re an IBCLC making the jump to private practice or looking to add a few extra clients to an existing practice, here’s how The Lactation Network can help make your lactation care private practice more profitable.
For new parents, lactation services can be vital, which is why we know lactation consultants, or International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs), should be celebrated each and every day for the incredible care they provide. Our goal is to help make sure every IBCLC, whether just starting out or looking to grow their private practice, has access to the resources to make their business successful. To make sure every IBCLC can operate at the highest level of success, we‘re digging into questions we know many lactation consultants have, like:
“How much do lactation consultants make?”
“How do I set an hourly rate?” and
“What’s the best way to get more referrals?”
We know financial stability matters for caregivers as they care for families. Let’s dig into the support a healthy lactation care private practice needs, how IBCLCs can support themselves while they build their practices, and how The Lactation Network can help.
How much do lactation consultants make?
Lactation consultant salaries depend on location and the type of practice — whether independent or part of a health care system. Those associated with a hospital or other health center will have their salary determined by their workplace, while those who run their businesses are in charge of setting their prices. The current average annual salary for lactation consultants in the United States is about $70,000, or $33.65 per hour. However, the salary range varies by state, with Massachusetts at the top of the list, where IBCLCs make $39.86 per hour on average, and Florida at the bottom, where they make around $28.46 per hour. Obviously, when you run your own practice, those numbers go up.
Lactation consultants with a private practice should research how much consultants in their area charge to set competitive but fair prices. Local demand, experience level, and overhead costs, such as monthly rent for an office or gas if you’re a traveling consultant, will be the major factors determining your hourly rate. Remember, your time is valuable. When setting your rate, be sure to consider the average time you’ll spend traveling to, preparing for, and following up after each consultation. How many hours of work will factor into a one-hour consultation?
What’s the best way to reach more new moms and parents in my area?
Getting your lactation care private practice noticed is the easiest way to increase business. Set up a website and dedicated social media accounts for your private practice. These will help prospective clients find you and build up your credibility in the form of online reviews and testimonials. Asking clients for a review is one of the best ways to ensure more people come your way. Use your website and social platforms to advertise, share your great reviews, and spread the word about your practice. Social media, especially Facebook, is also a solid avenue for reaching out to local parenting groups.
In addition to establishing yourself online, don’t forget to make neighborhood connections. Introduce yourself to local pediatricians and OB-GYNs to increase your referrals. Send business cards and other digital marketing materials, such as a PDF of a brochure or flyer, to providers in your area.
If you feel that you’ve hit the ceiling on self-promotion, are an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and want further marketing support, join The Lactation Network. We support lactation consultants in our network by connecting them to new mothers and parents in their area who request insurance-covered lactation consultations on our website. We also provide marketing advice and business education to help them reach more clients and grow their businesses.
IBCLC vs. Certified Lactation Consultant: Does it matter?
There are differences between a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC) and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), which involve a number of factors. Still, the biggest difference between the two is the amount of training and clinical experience IBCLCs are required to obtain compared to CLCs before taking their certification exam, and scopes of practice both credentials must abide by.
When it comes to salary, CLC salary ranges may vary more significantly as they cannot accept insurance, and pay does tend to be more favorable for IBCLCs for this reason. Ultimately, it usually comes down to the level of experience and expertise a CLC or IBCLC has. However, there is another benefit to having your IBCLC certification: You can join The Lactation Network for free.
How can The Lactation Network help my lactation care private practice grow?
What many patients don’t know is that they’re likely covered for lactation consultations under their insurance plan. But confirming their coverage and getting reimbursed is often a complicated and time-consuming process. That’s where The Lactation Network comes in: We manage the insurance billing process and compensate our IBCLCs directly for multiple lactation visits. (Plus, it’s completely free to join!)
Other benefits of joining The Lactation Network include:
- Fewer cancellations. With multiple pre-approved visits, your patients will feel better about requesting consultations.
- Steadier income. Our reimbursement services ensure you’ll get paid consistently.
- Custom IBCLC portal. We’ll handle the administrative work for you with key tools in our custom portal.
- Around-the-clock patient intake services. Reach more patients with the help of our five-star patient care team.
Being a part of our network means you can focus more on what really matters: Taking care of your patients. We’re here to help you grow your private practice and reach more breastfeeding families.
We handle billing, end-to-end. We connect you with insurance-covered patients. We help you grow your practice, your way.