Portrait of Danielle Gauss, IBCLC, leaning beside a brick wall
January 3, 2025

How to grow your private practice: How Danielle Gauss, IBCLC thrives in partnership with TLN

Clinically reviewed by: Demi Lucas, IBCLC

“Breasts are sensitive, miracle-giving, superpower, love jugs. Treat them with respect.” 

You’ll find this statement featured prominently on Danielle Gauss, IBCLC’s private practice website.

An advanced practice International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, ICCE Certified Childbirth Educator, and author of “Booby Fairy’s Guide To Breastfeeding,” and “Vagi-Tales: Memoirs From Down Under,” Danielle Gauss, IBCLC is serious about providing care to families.

Gauss specializes in oral ties, low milk supply, acupressure and cranial sacral therapy, and re-lactation. She’s been practicing (both in a hospital and office setting) and providing breastfeeding support for 21 years and has been an IBCLC for 14.

“If I could do this for free for moms, I would,” she says. “Having a baby is expensive enough — breastfeeding isn’t free. I don’t do this for the money. I do this for the moms.”

But before starting with The Lactation Network (TLN) in 2018, her care was costly.

“Before TLN I was lucky if I broke even every year. I keep my prices low, and I saw that those who need help the most can’t afford it.” Billing for her care on her own cost time and effort; there were complex codes to file and health plans that didn’t reimburse for her care.

“The third-party billing situation was a pain in the butt. I just wanted to come in and do my job. TLN handles the billing, I can do what I know I can do best, the parents don’t have to stress about it. And I can get paid decently for what I do. I was thrilled about TLN. It was an option to reach more moms.”

Gauss used TLN’s billing support to reach families more efficiently through insurance-covered care (billing support is just one offering in a suite of services The Lactation Network provides to IBCLCs). This insurance-covered care was especially key for prenatal patients who would have had to pay out of pocket. “I’ve had moms see me three times a week and know I don’t have to charge them $150-$200 each time. They’re grateful. They’re just super grateful. Offering them the consistency is huge.” Then, consistency led to a booming practice. “My business has tripled,” she says. “The Lactation Network gave me freedom and flexibility and is a huge gift to both moms and me.”

The best part? The diverse stories she gets to be part of. “Every case is unique; I do induced lactation with lesbian families. I like to be able step back and say, ‘look at what you did, you can do this.’ Empowering [families] and watching their confidence build — it’s just such an honor to watch. It blesses me to my core.”

The Lactation Network exists to help IBCLCs reach and provide insurance-covered lactation care to families – while getting the billing support and resources they need to thrive. Joining The Lactation Network is free, easy, and great for IBCLCs growing their practices. Join today.

Join TLN — it’s free and built for IBCLCs.

We handle billing, end-to-end. We connect you with insurance-covered patients. We help you grow your practice, your way.

A mother chats with her IBCLC while nursing her infant during a home visit