Two people smiling, sharing a warm moment with a baby.

TLN Fund

A grant program to support and empower aspiring and re-certifying IBCLCs from underrepresented communities.

Two smiling parents with their child at a table, reflecting love and connection.

A path to equity

The Lactation Network is committed to removing obstacles to IBCLC certification — and increasing access to high-quality lactation care in every community. We established The TLN Fund to help meet the financial needs of aspiring and re-certifying IBCLCs.

By awarding up to $2,000 to each recipient, we hope to pave a smoother path for our community of dreamers, healthcare professionals, and passionate lactation advocates.

Apply below for partnership and support.

A parent smiling while breastfeeding with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant smiling and offering support.

Priority funding Areas

  • Individuals that identify with one of the following racial and/or ethnic minorities
    1. Asian or Pacific Islander
    2. Black or African American
    3. Hispanic or Latino
    4. Native American or Alaskan Native
    5. Multiracial or Biracial
  • Aspiring or re-certifying IBCLCS who live in geographic areas with majority populations that fall within the above listed racial and/or ethnic categories and/or regions that experience extreme healthcare disparities
  • Individuals that are currently enrolled in WIC and/or SNAP benefits
  • Individuals that currently reside in a single income household with dependent children
  • Bilingual speakers
  • LGBTQIA+ identifying persons
  • Everyone is encouraged to apply — even if they don’t identify with our priority funding areas.

HOW TO apply

  • Step 1

    The 2024 Application period has ended. Applications for 2025 will be available in June 2025.
  • Step 2

  • Step 3

Questions? Contact [email protected].


  • Proof of started or completed Clinical Hours
    Proof of enrollment in or completion of a didactic program

  • An official or unofficial transcript is acceptable so long as the document’s origin is clear.

  • If you require specific accommodations for application submission, please reach out directly to TLN at [email protected].

  • Grant applications and additional required documents must be submitted through this form. If you require special accommodations, please contact us at [email protected]. Hard copies are not accepted.